Most successful leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners have a coach. But they didn't wait until they became successful to hire a coach. They knew they needed a coach to become successful!

They understand the value of learning from people who already walked a similar path. Support, practical skills, and an up-leveled mindset help them achieve their goals.

How would your life be different if you weren't overwhelmed by negative thoughts and saw obstacles as opportunities? Let's discover the version of you that you didn’t know existed, the confident person that's buried under your self-doubt and fear.

I’ve witnessed the incredible results of Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T.) in clients’ lives (and my own life). This mindset shift makes all the difference, and I'd love to guide you on your path to empowerment and success.

Life’s tough spots can be catalysts for positive change.

Let’s clear the path so you can feel confident, empowered and excited about life.

Life’s tough spots can be catalysts for positive change.

Let’s clear the path so you can feel confident, empowered and excited about life.

This 12-week program provides you with a deep understanding of Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T.) and a personalized toolbox for success including the following resources:

  • A no-judgment zone and safe space to work through tough situations and emotions with someone who gets it
  • Twelve individual weekly
    60-minute coaching sessions
    (Zoom or phone calls) to guide you from grief, anger and fear to confidence, excitement and joy
  • Action plans, practical tools and NLP reprogramming intensives to overcome limiting beliefs and emotional blocks
  • On-call support and empowerment with email, texts, and calls as needed
  • Accountability with weekly homework to keep you motivated and moving forward

This 12-week program provides you with a deep understanding of Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T.) and a personalized toolbox for success including the following resources:

  • A no-judgment zone and safe space to work through tough situations and emotions with someone who gets it
  • Twelve individual weekly 60-minute coaching sessions (Zoom or phone calls) to guide you from grief, anger and fear to confidence, excitement and joy
  • Action plans, practical tools and NLP reprogramming intensives to overcome limiting beliefs and emotional blocks
  • On-call support and empowerment with email, texts, and calls as needed
  • Accountability with weekly homework to keep you motivated and moving forward

The 12-Week
Coaching Program

Choose from two personalized paths:

Single coaching sessions help you achieve the results you desire with the following resources: 

  • A no-judgment zone and safe space to work through tough situations and emotions with someone who gets it
  • Customized 60-minute coaching sessions (Zoom or phone call) whenever you need them
  • Action plans, practical tools, and NLP reprogramming basics to kick start your growth

Single Coaching Sessions

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Everything depends on your mindset and subconscious programming. And that's something we can change together.

So, let's get real with each other and see if working together makes sense. It all starts with a 100% free,
no-strings-attached Transparency Call.

There are just two questions I'd like you to consider:

  • If not now, when?
  • Where will you be a year from now if nothing changes?
Everything depends on your mindset and subconscious programming. And that's something we can change together.

So, let's get real with each other and see if working together makes sense. It all starts with a 100% free,
no-strings-attached Discovery Call.

There are just two questions I'd like you to consider:

  • If not now, when?
  • Where will you be a year from now if nothing changes?

How could working with me help you find clarity and live your best life?